Front-end Developer

Front-end-focused web developer with three years of experience and a background in Industrial Design.

β€” Designer once, Developer now. What matters is to get things done. α•™(⇀‸↼•)α•—

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Lead Front-end Developer @ We Go GreenR

July 2020 - Present

β€” Stabilization of the Web App:

  • Restored the functionality of the JavaScript and PHP web app, fixing multiple critical bugs.
  • Enhanced app performance by optimizing global state management, reducing Redux usage in favor of Next.js SSR (Server Side Rendering).
  • Teamed up with back-end developers to optimize database queries and clean back-end code to reduce load times.

β€” Homepage Refactoring:

  • Redesigned the homepage to improve UX and boost client conversions.
  • Set up a Figma design system based on the current branding, to improve UI consistency and speed up the design process.
  • Implemented the new homepage using TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Next.js (React), creating reusable components as part of the new design system.
  • Decreased bug reports introducing automated testing with React Testing Library, MSW, and Jest.

β€” Homepage Refactoring:

  • Led the recruitment of 3 junior developers, and mentored 4 team members on best practices such as semantic HTML and Git workflows like Gitflow, helping them achieve autonomy as fast as possible.
  • Helped the company owner to design and prioritize new features, aligning technical initiatives with business objectives and timelines.
  • Advocated for and implemented agile methodologies. Served as SCRUM master optimizing team workflow and development efficiency.

Freelance Front-end Developer @ Aves Argentinas

July 2022 - November 2022

β€” Tasks:

  • Built a website from the ground up using Next.js, React, TypeScript, and Styled-Components.
  • Developed an interactive map using OpenLayers, enabling users to dynamically visualize and filter KBA locations.
  • Implemented search functionality allowing users to find specific KBA regions, animals, or plants.
  • Conducted design reviews to ensure adherence to project requirements, enhance visual appeal, and meet deadlines.
  • Leveraged Vercel for CI/CD deployment, ensuring good development experience and facilitating maintenance.
  • Simplified data integration with a Node.js tool to migrate data from Excel to JSON format, minimizing friction with the client accustomed to Excel.

Front-end Developer @ We Are PSh

November 2020 - July 2022

β€” We Are PSh Website Revamp:

  • Revamped the company website using Gatsby and React enhancing site performance, SEO, and developer experience.
  • Integrated Lottie animations, improving the site's visual appeal and interactivity.
  • Increased website performance going from 75 to 98 in Google Lighthouse scoring, contributing to higher search engine rankings.

β€” Internal Blog Development:

  • Developed an internal blog for We Are PSh, utilizing React and Strapi.

β€” Homepage Refactoring:

  • Contributed to multiple client projects, web apps, custom forms, and marketing sites using Node.js, TypeScript, React, and Next.js.
  • Guided 4 junior developers during the onboarding of our team.


Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp at Soy Henry

October 2020, Argentina

Bachelor of Industrial Design at Universidad de Buenos Aries

December 2021, Argentina


English First Certificate (FCE) B2 from Cambridge English

January 2014, Argentina

Epic React from Kent C. Dodds

February 2024, Argentina



Proficiency: Advanced


Proficiency: Native


  • HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Next
  • React
  • Redux
  • Express
  • SQL
  • GIT
  • Figma